In a little over a week Pat and Patrice will be half of a great band that will play at the St. Olaf College homecoming event and then Contratopia Proper will show up later in October for a Friday Harvest Stomp. Here's the announcement:
The Northfield Harvest Stomp!
Friday, October 26, 2007, 7:00 – 10:30 p.m. A community contra dance at The Northfield Armory, 519 Division Street. Dance instruction 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. (recommended for all participants) followed by dancing to Contratopia and led by Robin Nelson. Admission: $9 adults, $6 students and youth under 18 ($20cap per family). No partner needed, and no previous dance experience necessary. Comfortable shoes and festive dance-ready attire recommended. All ages welcome, but participation in the main dance is recommended for children 10 years and older. (A dance area for younger children will be provided alongside the main dance area so that children can have fun dancing safely alongside the main dance.)
Finally, thanks to the ever-inventive folks at Google Book Search, here's a quote from:
A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen By Robert Chambers: "It is painful to hear some of the young ladies at our parties reddening with a kind of horror at being asked to join in a reel or country dance and simpering out "I can't dance reels -- they're vulgar; "
Thankfully, as the slide show above amply demonstrates, the ladies and gentlemen of today have no such concerns!